we are taken aback by all the great questions and chats we have had over the years


It is a well-kept secret that for the last 20 years we at Ousland have been the main place to go to for advice, brainstorms, advice, planning, logistics, training, strategy, nutrition, equipment, route planning, formalities & applications, as well as 24/7 home base, help, and weather analysis while out there.

We have been the leading hub for polar expeditions and Arctic travel. But we also are the leaders when it comes to training, preparations, and how to approach a big project. Very often, we also help out with positioning a trip for marketing, design, and sponsorship value evaluation. It is all part of the 360° wheel of an expedition.

If you read through our training guide, you will see that we prefer to focus on individuals and perfect each and every one’s road to whatever goal you set yourself.

It is all super satisfying for us as well, as it is the myriad, and complexities of challenges that have come our way, that keep us sharp and on top of our game.

So is any question too small or too complicated?
Well, we have yet to find out :-) Some just want to toss idea around to see if we belive in any of their dreams – or hope we can come up with suggestions. Others are straight on how to solve or quality check a specific expedition. Anything goes.
But either we solve it for you, or we work together with you – or we find out who you should approach if we believe there are more qualified people in your designated field.

But we have polar explorers, climbers, 8000m summiteers, trekkers, dog mushers, sailors, ultrarunners, record breakers, and innovators among us – as well as a huge amount of friends in our address book. Very often, we crisscross between us to give you the best possible platform to dream from :-)

Some of those you may be talking to are Lars Ebbesen, Vincent Colliard, Caroline Cote, Bengt Rotmo, Kathinka Gyllehammar, Børge Ousland, Sindre Sivertsen, and a host of others.

It very often starts with just a chat and then goes from there. But as the amount of Qs we are bombarded with, we will organize it all a bit.
Below, you will see a form. Fill that in and send it to us. We will then choose who will contact you. The first hour costs from Eura 150 to Euro 200* depending on who is designated to you and the complexity of your inquiry.
*) If the first talk or further consultancies end in you joining us on one of our own trips, we will deduct the sum already paid :-)