A magical morning in the forest, in our perfect winter wonderland. We packed the tents away for the last time and finished off the final part of the downhill before crossing the road and joining the frozen river. We were overlooked by a moose and her calf as we continued on towards Karasjok. We made the most of our last moments on skis all together. We had done it, we had completed the crossing of Finnmarksvidda from Alta to Karasjok and arrived at Engholm Husky. Now we would unpack and try to sort all the equipment before dinner as our expedition had come to an end. We finished the day sat around a wood fire eating homemade Bacalao and reminiscing together over the last 5 days. A perfect end to a perfect trip.

Day 4, Saturday

The day looked like it was going to be a harsh one. The morning was colder whiter and windier, many of us choosing to start with more layers. Yet as soon as we started our luck with the weather continued and the day cleared up and the extra layers were removed as fast as they were put on.

We made fantastic progress, everyone’s technique has improved across the days and we were stronger as a team on the climbs and the downhills. The final part of the day was spent weaving down through a beautiful pine forest which seemed to mark the beginning of the end of the trip as we said goodbye to the plateau. We set up one last camp between the trees in knee deep powder. Tomorrow we set off one last time for the last leg of our journey.


Our morning routine has become our ritual. 6:00am alarm, water boiled, tent down and start skiing at 9:00am. Today we started slow and steady climbing up on top of the plateau. The trees stopped and the landscape opened up, just white as far as the eye can see. Our legs definitely felt the climb so we adjuested the weight between the sleds to try to make it easier.

Once on the plateau the wind started, we had been lucky so far not to have to battle with the wind but today the cross wind was cutting across our face and did not relent. Our breaks were spent huddled together behind any mounds in the landscape we could find to try and find some shelter and for lunch we set the tent up again for some protection.

Day 2, THURSDAY, Mollisjohka, Happy Happy Happy

Our team is doing so well and covered more than 20km. They passed the Mollisjohka Fjellstue (mountain cabin). This is better progress than normal. And everybody hangs on easily. They marvel about the snow, which is frictionless and invites gliding and practicing real ski technique.

The only concern is that it is very little snow. The snow base is just some 10cm, which is very rear. But January saw some huge storms, and then there was the unusual heat period just before they started out. So then may explain some of it.

Thus, they need to be clever to secure the tents.

Today seems to be another great day, before snow falls most of tomorrow.

Diary from Angus:

We woke up to silence, not a breath of wind in the morning air. The good weather would stay with us for the whole day allowing us to marvel at the size of the lake Lešjávri as we ski’d across. Our pace was good so we were able to spend time over lunch practicing putting up the tent. We all huddled inside and Giacomo surprised all with Italian Cheese and Sausage from his home town.

In the evening after the tents were up and the water boiled. We were all lucky enough to watch the Northern Lights dance across the skies. The cherry on top to another perfect day on the ski’s.


Miracles do happen! After some really rainy, warm, and highly unusual days, Finnmark turned the weather around in the nick of time.

Gone was the + degrees, back was -4°, light sky and a good breeze from Northwest.

After the drive up to the starting point, they all saddled up and got going. settling into and finding a rhythm. They covered 13,5 km the first day and came close to the Iešjávri Lake.

With no blisters and high spirits, they were all happy in camp. The wind picked up a bit through the night, but conditions seem fine Thursday :-)

This is the diary from the team:

Strong wind bit at our faces as we set ourselves at the start point in a white out. As soon as we were ready and started to ski the weather cleared and blue sky and stillness greeted us, hopefully a good omen for the trip ahead.

We made steady but efficient progress as we traveled as a team across the endless white. As we sat and ate our lunch we watched as 3 husky teams zoomed on past. All of us feeling the emotion of being blessed by such a beautiful day.

As an orange moon graced the horizon we set up camp after a very successful first day on the snow. A team full of energy gathered inside our tent for dinner, before heading for an early night.


Everybody came trickling into Alta and met up with Caroline. Even her husband, Vince, was around as he had just finished 1:1 polar training.

This year we also have Angus with us. He has been a guide at Børge’s stunning Island north of Bodø, Manshausen, but is now aiming more for the Polar world. So, all in all, a great team who seems to really want to get the most out of this great trip.

The conditions have been crazy up here. Vince reported a week ago that on another 1:1 polar training, they had -32°C. That is seriously cold this close to the coast. BUT then, in a few hours, the temperature rose to -5°C! That is just so wild.

Outside, where they stay for the preparations, it has been raining and pure ice. But from tomorrow, the cold returns, and it looks pretty promising for the crossing.

Stay tuned!