Day 5, Friday, Engholm

It was an easy and nice short day’s skiing, and they arrived at Engholm Huskey in the early afternoon.

But as they all went to settle in in the rustic cabins, Geoff slipped on an icy pathway and fell. It turned out he broke a few ribs! He tried to joke it away, but off to the hospital, he went with Caroline.

He will be fine, and his spirit was very high after the beautiful crossing. – But he missed the great, last dinner with the team at Engholm.

That was the end of this journey. Thank you so much to everyone, and have a safe return.


Day 4, thursday

Today we celebrated Geoff’s 71st birthday and what day to celebrate. We ski’d in perfect sunshine over the rest of the plateau. Perfect visibility gifting us with beautiful views in all directions. The start of the descent was equally as magical as we weaved down through a pine forest before setting up camp in a clearing. Spirits and unity cannot be any higher than tonight.

We decided to eat outside together so Benita built a beautiful table out of snow with a snow bench seat around. We all sat and shared stories and sweet treats we had brought as a surprise for each other. The northern lights even teased us by breaking through the clouds off and on.
We are now going to sleep one last time before the end of the trip, half of us opting to make the most of the calm night and have chosen to sleep outside the tent. We all are looking forward to Engholm Husky tomorrow and a shower but right now our hearts are full and we wouldn’t skip this night for anything. Good night from the team underneath the stars.

day 3

As soon as we left camp today we knew it was going to be a good day. The sun was shinning on us through the cloud covered sky, there was still no wind and our skis were gliding nicely on last nights fresh snow. We quickly passed the Mollešjohk cabin which marked the start of our climb up to the top of the plateau. The long climb rewarded us with views of the endless white. “What can we see, nothing, it’s beautiful”. It was one of those days where we all were left speechless of the surroundings and felt so lucky to be here together. Another 20kms were completed today which has placed us perfectly ready to start the descent tomorrow.

Day 2, tuesday, mollisjok

A very happy Caroline called in this morning on the satellite phone. She was so happy with the team and team spirit. Everyone performed, and everyone looked after each other in the best way.

The weather was so-so, with temperatures dancing around the freezing point. The moist in the air spooked them a bit, but still, the snow held up, and they made great progress camping in the Mollisjok area.

It crisps up a bit for Wednesday and Thursday with lighter cloud cover and maybe a clear evening tomorrow?

Keep it up!

Due to no signal area no photos or diary came through ftom the team on the day, but this came the next day:

We woke up to quiet this morning and it was a lovely sound after a very long night. Despite being our first morning everyone was ready on time to start skiing by 9:00am. The confidence of the team is up even higher by midday as we have all found our rhythm. In total we completed 6 legs today, clocking in 20kms many of which across the big Lešjávri lake. Just as we were finishing for the day it started to snow, however the barely freezing temperatures was causing the snow to melt as it landed on us. Luckily it was time to set the tent up and light the stove allowing us to keep control over the moisture. We are looking forward for the drop in temperature which is expected tomorrow.

Day 1, monday

A very strong head wind which seem to get stronger and stronger as the day went on. Making the just below freezing temperatures almost feel like a battle. It was a good welcoming to the Arctic for many. We worked well as a team and found our rhythm early and by lunch time we were smooth and consistent. For lunch the tent was set up to give ourselves some shelter from the relentless wind that had been straight in our faces. Everyone working together to control the tent in the gale.

4 legs in total today, we had almost completed 13 kms before the decision was made to set up camp for the night. We worked all together setting each tent up one by one due to the strong conditions. The camp is in high spirits and working really well as a team with everyone looking to help each other out.

ALTA, DAY 0, sunday

As everybody arrived in Alta and found their way to Stand Camping, where we stay, the preparations started. It was a busy afternoon getting through personal equipment, sleds, tents, and stoves and preparing and packing food.

The temperature is shockingly warm for this time of the year, but the weather was nice, which made everything much easier.

The only hiccup thus far was poor Freddie. He was refused to enter the plane at Gatwick Airport as his passport expired less than 3 months after his due return to England. After calling immigration, the airport in Oslo, and the police, it became totally clear there was no way around that rule. – So we have to find a plan B for him :-•

Weather seems to be warm for the first 2 days. They will go straight into a pretty windy first day, but after that the conditions should ok, a bit cooler, and a not-too-bad breeze in their faces.