FALL 2021
Congratulation to the team!
The team is now camping and waiting for pickup. Estimated pickup is 08.00 in Greenland time, or 12.00 in Norwegian time! :)
Day 25 - monday
The team broke camp 05.00 in the morning, with only 15km left they are hoping to get out this evening!
Update 18.00 or (22.00 Norwegian time): only 4km from the pickup zone! Estimated time down in 2 hours, and estimated time carrying is one hour. The plan is to set up camp and get picked up tomorrow morning :)
Update 21.30 or (01.30 norwegian time) The team manage to get off the ice safely! The text message received was just: What a day, we have land under our feets! :)
The first 2 km was easy, but after 2km, it got very complicated! Then they entered the maze, explained, it´s a labyrint of melting channels that is so big that you just dont see anything while walking in them. And they are not straight, they lead in circles and you have to climb up and down and look for a way out. After taking off the skis, they manage pretty well until they had 7km left, from there it was very problematic. The melting has stopped, but the sun came up during the day and still created some water in the maze system. They had to carry the pulkas over some crevasses, with help of a rope they manage to get past the worst, and from there they continued by foot. In the end they manage to find a river, with not that much water. They walked in the river, and the pulkas was floating behind them, and luckily them the river led straight to the end with only 1 km left to the ice edges. The sun slowly disappeared, and the boys just had enough light to walk the whole way to the very ending of the ice. They all steppet into the land for the first time in a month!
When the sun went away the cold came back, and the boys where all wet, and all the clothing froze up. All exhausted, they put up the camp on the ice for one last night together, trying to dry up over the stoves again. And it didn´t go long before the northern light came over them, creating one big happy show of a very emotional ending! AMAZING!
Day 24 - sunday
The team had a very long day yesterday, after a few legs things started to look better down the icefall. The annoying sticky snow they had yesterday was gone today, and that combined with a few below makes thing easier. The team is now only 15km away from mainland!
Day 23 - saturday
Hey folks! we are very happy about the progress we had today, we started very hard with lots of sticky snow, and we got past the big river systems. We did 21km today, and we also got trough the big famous crevasses area. Now we are camping and enjoying the tent life, and we are very close to the end of this expedition!
Stay tuned! all good :)
Day 22 - friday
Broke camp at 05:30 in the morning, beautiful clear blue sky, and with 10cm fresh powder snow! Today the visibility was good, and that is a good thing with all the rivers around us. We met some fairly big rivers today, but nothing we couldn't handle together, we just walk around them. It takes time to find good paths in this conditions. All good here on the icecap, we are slowly finding our way down again. Despite this, we almost manage 25km!
Day 21 - thursday
Still doing good progress, but now it´s getting really wet! We feel like 3 flies in a big soup plate, but we are in good mood, all good! :)
A very hard day on the ice today, but we are still doing good progress despite all the melting water. We really feel that we are in an alien world, we see so many strange things with all the melting rivers. We are praying for colder weather!
All good!
On our way!
Day 19 - TUESDAY
Continuing the nice rhythm we have had the last days, starting out on our skis at 5 AM. Can already see the first signs of surface water from where we set up camp today. It’s probably going to be wet down the icefall. All good!
Listen to “Radio Greenland”
Day 18 - MONDAY
Nice and warm weather. Started the day with some old melted sastrugi which changed to wet snow around 1 PM. Really nice pace - 39 km in 10 legs!
A happy Team reporting from DYE-2! This calls for a celebration, a surprise, some exploring and some well earned rest. Listen to "Radio Greenland” here:
Day 16 - Saturday
Very good day! Did 37,5 km in 10 legs and are now only 20 km from DYE-2. Looking forward to seeing som human construction again tomorrow.
Sebastian, Freddie and Geir
Day 15 - Friday
Very good day on the ice, and the tracks are amazing, in 8 legs, they did 29,5km with the wind in their back!
Plan A is to get to DYE-2 on sunday, and spend a half resting day there while checking out the station.
Happy group, listen too the voicemail below! :)
Day 14 - Thursday: Summit day
Happy to announce that the team is now past summit! They are now in camp after 8 legs on skis. They manage 27,5km, and ended up camping to celebrate the reach of the summit. The east coast chapter is done, now the focus would be to reach DYEII, which is an abandoned military station from the cold war. As you can hear in the voice mail from the group, - the spirit is high! :)
Day 13 - Wednesday
New tactic seems to work very well for the team. They did 32km, and are now very close to the summit. Everyone is safe and sound, healthy and ready for more!
As usual on an expedition like this, they have been forming their own bubble, and are now entering their own world in their minds. This is a good thing, it means that the mind is in the game!
All good! :)
Day 12 - TUESDAY
A very good day - 10 legs and 32 km done! Turning the clock around a bit is really paying off. Set up camp just before the rain hit us. Now laying on 2415 meters above sea level hearing the rain drumming on our tents.
We are in the flow zone now, and we all feel stronger.
Sebastian and Team
Day 11 - MONDAY: New tactic
Changed the tactic, woke up extra early and did 30 km today! Listen to “Radio Greenland” under to hear Sebastian talk about it. All good!
Day 10 - SUNday
From camp: Today was a good day, nice and warm. We did 21 km and everyone is happy! Planing on an earlier start tomorrow to get more nice and cold legs out of the day. Maybe even some crusted snow.
Listen to Sebastians voice clip under were he talks about the last few days.
Day 9 - Saturday: Sticky
The team had a rough day on the ice. Sticky snow the whole day, but still managed to do 21 km. First 4 legs we did 50 minutes - 10 minutes break, and next 7 legs we did 30 minutes - 5 minutes break. Set up camp when the rain came pouring down. Hoping for some colder weather. All good!
Day 8 - Friday: On the move!
Best day so far - Greenland was beautiful today!
Woke up to a clear blue sky and 3m/s of wind. Did our routines, which included boiling water from melted snow for the day while eating our porridge breakfast in our sleeping bags. Then we get dressed into our shell clothing, pack up our pulka’s with arctic bedding and finally take down the tent. When on ski’s we do 50 minutes followed by a 10 minute break - which we call a ‘leg’. Today we had a hard surface called skare, which suited the short skins under the ski’s. After 30 minutes for lunch, the sun melted the top surface of the snow which created a little more friction. Despite this, the wind had calmed down and we managed to ski 25km in 8,5 legs. A record so far!
Right now, we are relaxing and recovering in our tent, getting ready for an early start tomorrow. Everything is good and well apart from a couple of blisters and a little tooth ache.
Best wishes from all of us.
Day 7 - Thursday: Waiting for the storm to pass
Stormy day on the ice, the boys are waiting in the tent for better weather. It´s not too cold, so it could be an opening to try break camp in a couple of hours.
After some hours of waiting the team broke camp and went for it. They made around 14,5km despite the ongoing storm, and they are happy with that!
All good
Day 6 - Wednesday: Weather improving
Today we ended up with 7 legs, which gave us in total 18km covered distance! Not bad, even the sun appeared today.
Great day in Greenland, now we are in camp, resting and waiting for a storm to pass. All good
Sebastian and the team
Here we are!
Today was a brutal day on the ice, boots, clothing, equipments - Everything is soaking wet!
We did 6 legs, and ended up with 15km, but we are very happy with that. We are praying for better weather, but despite this, we are with good courage! Tomorrow looks better, perhaps the sun will appear.
Sebastian and the team
Day 4 - Monday: Greenlands longest clothesline
It was a brutal day. In sticky wet clothing, we are now standing in front of the worst crevasses area, and we are constantly climbing upwards. At times it was like walking through hundreds of rivers , - and maybe it was a taste of what the world has in store when the glacier start to melt for real!
Anyway. The day wasn´t without highlights. We managed almost 15km, and in the morning the sun was shining. Then we made what we thought must be Greenland's longest drying cord, and actually got some clothing dried. And it was needed!
DAy 3 - Sunday: Singing in the Rain!??!
The boys did a humongous day in the ice fall yesterday, in changing weather and visibility, we got through the icefall and crevasses, and over on snow. But heavy rain made it all a great pleasure for us. So today we start with a few hours of drying before continuing inwards. All good!
Day 2 - saturday
We are so happy with the day. The weather was slightly better than predicted, and we came further than expected. The ice was very rough, and many melting rivers along or way. But no more water than it went well. Now we are quite high up, and camping right before the crevasses area, and here we need visibility while walking. Early today it was significantly better than we thought, and we continued upwards as long as we had visibility. Very good mood despite the ruff start we had. It looks better in the end of this week, hopefully!
Day 1 - Friday: Departure day
The guys headed out with a local boat, they navigated through huge icebergs floating in the Greenlandic sea. After 4 hours in the boat they finally reached the shore where the expedition is set to start. After many hours of carrying the pulkas, they made it up to the glacier safely. Normally the day is over by now, but they still had some power left, and ended up doing a couple of km in already. All good!